Monday, April 23, 2007

Film Lesson - "The Righ Stuff"

In the movie "The Right Stuff" both the US and the
USSR were competing against each other. They were mainly
competing on space race. Each one wanted to get to space first,
or before and body else can. Russia was the first one to get a man
in space and satellites. But the US was able to get the first monkey
in space. Mainly, Russia won competition. There were many scenes
from the movie that helped me to remember this. Well, there was a
scene when the Americans were getting ready to send a monkey to
space. Well, they were quite successful. But later found out that the
USSR had already sent a man to space. I also remember all of the tests
the Americans had to go through to got to space. After couple of years
the Americans had sent a man to space. This was very successful.

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