Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The European Union

The European Union was very interesting. It was an
economic and political union. It was established in the
year 1993. It expanded the outlook of the political
European economic community. This system was made
to make peace between countries. It was made to unite
France an Italy. The 25 European nations share the same
currency. Everything has become easier for people even
traveling. All of the countries that wanted to fight eachother
later found peace within eachother. This system makes chances
of war between countries less among themselves. This typical
system was very successful after WWII. I believe it was a good
thing because it made things very easy and peaceful.

1 comment:

Kommando said...

thats strange cause the EU is based upon apartheid, Each nation or ethnics group retain the rights to rule themselfs, yet they conform to an economic and social ambrella state. Apartheid was exactly that, freedom of selfrule under an ambrella state, if 10 billion italians would move over to Germany and then say this is no longer germany but Itamany or would say, german woman are whores and must get fucked and gang raped by only italian men with HIV, their babies must be burned and raped, well then you would be living in the New South Africa.

Fucking morons still going on about apartheid. Hahahaha you make me laugh you dumb son of a bitch.
Its all over the world already, what you thought the news media could keep the genocide of the last minority whites in South africa a secret forever?