Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of Communism

During the 1960's and 70's the Soviet Union had a communist
leader called Leonid Brezhnev. But after his death the people
needed some support. Therefore came another leader, Mikhail
Gorbachev. When Russia realized that they were headed for a
Russian Revolution, Mikhail opened up a political system. He
opened up the Soviet Union by becoming a leader and the second
most powerful man in the USSR. Mikhail Gorbachev, paved the way
for political and economic reforms. In 1985 Gorbachev announced
the policy glasnost. Glasnost is a policy of the Soviet Union. It
regarded to discussions of social problems. This allowed the Soviet
citizens to complain about economic problems. In 1985 Gorbachev
also announced perestroika. Perestroika is also an economic reform.
Perestroika is also known as economic reconstructing.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Collapse of Communism

The collapse of Communism was a very interesting
turning point. Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe
and in the USSR. their wasn't political power like other
countries hadfrom communism. They had no political
independent parties. They had no importantor meaningful
elections. The lack of political responsibility for the people,
apparently led to the collapse of communism. Lack of political
power was mainly the cause for the fall for communism. The
main reason theBerlin wall was made was to separate the east
and the west in Germany. Nobody could cross that wall, if they
tried than they were shot down. Many people later gathered an
tore the wall down. That's because no oneliked the wall, they all
wanted to cross both eastan west. They finally attacked the wall
down. Later on in November 9, 1989 the wall camedown. Finally
after 28 years both east an Germany formed new relationsamong
eachother. Later when Communism collapsed the Soviet Union
separated into 15 different republics. People revolted to form these
republics. This split, cause people to have more for themselves. The
world started to change. People started to get better jobs and good
payments. Many peoples lives changed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Creation of Israel

The Holocaust had a major effect in Palestine. The land

belonged to both the Jews and the Arabs. Palestine belongs
to Jewish because long ago Jewish kings used to conquer the
place. Than, when Jews were driven out of the place the land
belonged to the Palestine's. For the Arabs the land was theirs
for their conquest of the area. There were many Zionists living
in Palestine. They were people who favored the Jews a homeland
in Palestine. Zionism is a movement which was found in the
1890's. It established a Jewish home land in Palestine. After
WWII Palestine became a Palestinian and a Jewish state. But
there were many conflicts. Many Islamic countries voted going
against the new state creation. They said that the UN did not
have the right to partition a country, with out other peoples
opinions. Later, David Ben Gurion had announced the creation
of Israel. It become independent.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

Apartheid was a policy that was created in the late
930's. It was a system in which people of race were separated.
There were many policies of the apartheid. People of different
race could not marry. Or have any relationships within each other.
People of different race couldn't even vote. In 1990 there was a man
named Nelson Mandela. He was a leading figure in the ANC. After his
release from prison, Nelson was elected for president. Mandela and de
Klerk both made a formation of a government which was for the national
unity. Mandela was considered such a hero. He brought up human rights.
many people admired Mandela. He had sacrificed his private life for the
Africans. Nelson brought piece to Africa. Many authors and people admire
him. He wrote many freedom books, which had inspired the authors.
Many people liked him because he brought freedom and peace for the
African people.