Thursday, March 15, 2007

US Atomic Bombing Of Japan in 1945

World War II began in 1941. During this time Japan and
the United States faced many problems with each other. Japan
attacked Pearl Harbor. So the US decided to drop an atomic bomb
in Japan. The two main cities that were hit were Nagasaki and
Hiroshima. Many Japanese people had died at that time.

I think that the atomic bomb was the # 1 news in the century.
I think that because many people started to have new opinions
about everything. People were talking about it all over the world.
It was a very sad time. Most people think that it was a really terrible
thing to do. Some people think that it stopped the war and also saved
many peoples lives. I think that nowadays, the bigger news story or
event is the twin towers. The both towers fell. Airplane's had crashed
into each of the towers. I also think that this event should be added
list to the list. The reason for this is that it was a very large event many
people had died at that time.

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